15 Examples of Open Innovation between Big Companies & Startups
The Innovation Excellence website notes that big companies like GE, Cisco or Microsoft tend to have 8-10 different value pools (think suppliers, startups, customers or universities) to consider for their open innovation efforts. The challenge is that even companies that are good at open innovation only seem to be able to handle 3-4 value pools properly
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Using Open Innovation to Deliver Healthcare Disruption
An article on the Wired website asks the question how do we begin to break through the barriers that exist in healthcare to create an environment where truly disruptive innovation is possible? One option is to fling open the doors of the R&D department, figuratively speaking, and invite anyone
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Using Open Innovation to Deliver Healthcare Disruption
An article o:n the MedCityNews website asked the question: how do we begin to break through the barriers that exist in healthcare to create an environment where truly disruptive innovation is possible? One option is to fling open the doors of the R&D department, figuratively speaking, and invite
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