It’s Time to Have a Serious Conversation About the Future of Canadian Football
The Calgary Herald posted an article which noted that over the past two decades, organizations across sectors from health care and travel to music and entertainment have adopted a principle called open innovation in the face of technological and market disruption. For Canadian football, open innovation is about empowering millions of current and potential fans to reimagine Canadian football. They are no longer just fans; they need to become owners. What would be on the table in this reimagining process? This is where open innovation becomes challenging for managers conditioned to control, because open innovation is about empowering users. This takes courage to put everything on the table: Where a serious reimagining could take us is what is most exciting. I certainly don’t have the answers, but I know 38 million people who may have a few ideas. It’s time we hand the ball to them.
Click here to read the full article.