Patent Reform: End to Open Innovation?
The rdinsights website posted an article which says that the America Invents Act, also referred to as patent reform, will spell the end to open innovation as currently practiced, starting in March of 2013. Patent reform’s first to file provision will change how inventors respond to open innovation initiatives making open innovation slower
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P&G – Using Open Innovation to Be a World Class Innovator
The Innovation Leadership Network website presented a case study of Proctor and Gamble using an Innovation Matrix to help understand how the innovation capability of firms evolves over time. In the late 1990s, P&G’s innovation program had lost its way. Successful product innovation was
The Ins And Outs Of Open Innovation
An article on the Forbes website argues that there is some confusion regarding open innovation, or at least there is a need to cast a wider net around what open innovation is all about. To understand why open innovation has become so popular over the past few decades, it helps to remember what
GSK on Open Innovation
The Maven website published an interview with Helene Rutledge, Head of Open Innovation at GlaxoSmithKline. She discusses her perspective on Open Innovation, why companies have moved toward adopting it, OI success stories, how GSK practices Open Innovation, tools to generate new ideas, and factors when